YariNoHanzo Handmade Bokken
Our new line of handmade Bokken offers high quality Bokuto and Bokken made to guarantee the best weight / balance / resistance ratio. Each Bokken is made by hand, choosing the woods with great care, avoiding weak parts and cracks, and without using chemical treatments, in order to obtain a robust, long-lasting and completely natural product.
We produce any kind of Bokuto for classical martial arts like Katori Shinto Ryu, Itto Ryu, Iwama Ryu, Yagyu Shinkage Ryu, Togakure Ryu, Kashima Shinto Ryu, Kukishinden Ryu. The range also expands to Yari, Naginata, Bo, Jo and Hanbo with an octagonal or round section.
The woods we use
Beech - Beech wood is heavier and harder than oak and its surface is dense and homogeneous. The color is light and if well seasoned takes on a slightly pink hue. The veins are straight, the presence of knots is scarce and the elasticity is high. Being a tough and compact wood, the impact resistance is good and better than the oak.
Ash Wood - This wood is very hard and dense, and at the same time it's not too heavy and very elastic. Along with Lignum Vitae it belongs to the Ironwood category (hard as iron). Ash Wood has a beautiful color tending to white and a very small porosity, so it's very resistant to humidity. We did many tests on this wood and the result is that its resistance to impact is the best after Lignum Vitae!
Lignum Vitae - One of the hardest, most dense and heavy woods in the world (three times heavier and more resistant than oak), also known as "IRONWOOD". The wood is very compact with a yellow / greenish color and brownish streaks. It has a strong resistance to humidity and mold and the impact resistance is impressive.
Wengé - Wengé is a dark brown wood, very hard, compact and resistant, whose notably high specific weight does not make it float. It has a medium grain with streaks tending to black. Excellent resistance to impact and humidity.
39 products