Katana and Iaitō are the spearhead of the YariNoHanzo brand. Thanks to our passion for Japanese swords we were able to create a series of Iaito and Katana perfect for the practice of any style of classical Japanese Martial Arts. In every construction process we try to respect traditional methods to the maximum, using high quality materials. All blades are forged with traditional methods and polished by hand, so each blade is a unique piece. All YariNoHanzo handmade Katanas are "full tang" (meaning the Nakago (tang) continues almost to the bottom of the Tsuka (handle)) and all of them can be disassembled. Assembly is a phase to which we devote great care to avoid that the various parts of the Koshirae move during use, and we do not use bolts or welds during assembly. The various lines of Katana and Iaito are distinguished by quality, finishes, shapes and sizes, and all models are designed for the practice of Martial Arts.

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